About Us
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Trinity Lutheran Church will grow as a life-affirming, loving, caring, nourishing, family-oriented, and connected community as we share in the Gospel, the Sacraments, and church life.
Trinity congregation proclaims God's Word in all its truth and purity and administers the sacraments in accordance with the Word. We carry out this mission to ``make disciples`` (Matthew 28:18-20) through preaching, teaching, worship, witness, service, and fellowship according to the Word of God.
Knowing Christ's Love - Seeking His Will - Spreading His Word
What we do
Trinity Lutheran Church operates according to Biblical principles for the express purpose of carrying out the commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as directed to His church on earth.
This mission is to be carried out by members of our congregation through preaching, teaching, worship, witness, service, and fellowship according to the Word of God. We are committed to the proclamation of God's Word in all its truth and purity and to the administration of the sacraments in accordance with that Word.
What we believe
That God, a loving Heavenly Father, has made us and all things.
That all people from the fall of Adam are by nature sinful and thus have ruined their chances for a happy, peaceful existence with God now and forever.
That God sent His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, into the world for the express purpose of restoring us to fellowship with God by His own blood -- the price for complete forgiveness for our sins.
That this complete forgiveness is ours only by believing it -- by faith, trusting in Jesus alone for our salvation. God, the Holy Spirit, brings us to faith and keeps us in faith through Word and sacraments.
That the Christian life is a life of joy and freedom -- complete freedom from all guilt because we are forgiven. We are able to find joy and purpose in living by serving Him who made us free!
That Christ will come again visibly at the end of time as the righteous Judge of all, raise all the dead, and give to all believers in Him eternal life!
Our History
In the early 1900’s, the President of the University of Missouri expressed his concern for the spiritual needs of the students. This was the spark that resulted in the first Lutheran Church in Columbia. At that time, the District Mission Board of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod purchased property for the construction of a church building at the corner of College Avenue and Anthony Street.
The year of 1922 saw the installation of the Rev. Albert C. Bernthal as the first pastor of the mission. A basement chapel was constructed, and the completed structure was dedicated on July 22, 1928. Prior to the completion of the building, the congregation was organized as Trinity Lutheran Church in March 1925.
In 1953, the Western District Mission Board and the Commission on Campus Work began considering the possibility of separating the campus and parish ministries. On January 1, 1958, the separation was completed, creating two ministries: Campus Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church.
A group of Trinity members formed the Columbia Lutheran Association, Inc., which purchased 40 acres of land in west Columbia, subdividing all but 5 acres into 88 residential lots. The Association donated the proceeds of the sale to the lots, which paid for the construction of a new sanctuary at West Rollins and Bourn Avenue.
The cornerstone of Trinity’s current sanctuary was laid on August 27, 1961. Dedication of the sanctuary to the glory of God took place on February 18, 1962. Trinity expanded its facilities in 1986 with an 8,000 square foot educational wing housing the church office and the Child Learning Center.
In 1991, Trinity worked with the Missouri District to create a mission congregation. Alive in Christ Lutheran Church entered the LCMS in January 1993.
In 1998, work began on a 9,000 square foot multi-purpose center and additional classrooms, and in September 1999, the facility was dedicated.
The year 2000 marked Trinity’s 75th anniversary celebration.
Meet us
Church Leadership

David Kowalsky Families Pastor

Ryan Anderson Global Initiatives

John Hedge Counseling

Billy Mccabe Worship & Arts Director

Bruce Magic Lead Pastor

Paul Kovalik Families Pastor

David Kowalsky Executive Pastor

Rev. Brian K. Thieme Pastor